Planning approval for conversion of roof space to habitable use, to include 2 side dormers and the erection of a single storey rear extension and a porch. Contact Sam Planning, to help streamline your project and get planning permission today.
Discharge of condition was granted for this property after the submission of details pursuant to condition 8 (SUDS) of planning permission 2022/2237 granted on 05/07/2022. Contact Sam Planning today to help get your planning permission today.
Granted for this property, is the planning permission for the replacement of the existing single glazed timber windows with double glazed timber windows to the front elevation, and double glazed uPVC windows to the rear elevation as well as replacement of existing single glazed timber framed rooflight with double glazed uPVC rooflight in the rear roof slope. Contact Sam Planning today to help get your planning permission today.
Planning for a Prior Approval granted for the erection of a 6 meter rear extension, with a maximum height of 3 meters and an eaves height of 3 meters. Contact us to find out how Sam Planning can help you get your planning permission today.
Planning Permission gained for erection of First-floor balcony over existing conservatory, involving installation of French doors and associated alterations. Contact us to find out how Sam Planning can help you get your planning permission today.
Submission of detail Pursuant to conditions 3 (materials), 5 (windows) and 6 (Roof Lights) of Planning permission 2022/2237 granted on 05/07/2023. Sam Planning can help you get your planning permission today. Contact us today.
Change of use from single family dwellinghouse (Use C3) to 5 bed HMO (Use C4) and associated external alterations. Sam Planning can help you get your planning permission today. Contact us today.
Submission of detail pursuant to condition 4 (Drainage) of Planning permission 2024/0619 granted on 13/06/2024. Sam Planning can help you get your planning permission today. Contact us today.
Prior Approval Planning Granted for the erection of a 6 Meter ground floor rear extension. Sam Planning can help you get your planning permission today
Planning granted for discharge of condition 5 ( secure and dry cycle storage) of planning application 24/0619/F dated 20/05/2024. Sam Planning can help you get your planning permission today