
Planning Permission for Double-Glazing

Approved for this property is the replacement of existing timber-framed single-glazed windows with new timber-framed double-glazed windows to the front elevation.

Also, the replacement of existing timber framed single-glazed windows with new Rehau heritage uPVC double-glazed windows to the side and rear elevation at first-floor level.

Check out the approved drawings and apply now for yours!

Approved Drawings

Planning Permission in Hackney for Loft Conversion & Extensions. Sam Planning services.

Permission for Loft Conversion & Extensions

For this property in Haringey, we achieved planning permission for the following:

  1. The erection of a type 3 loft conversion with 7no. roof lights.
  2. The erection of a single-storey ground floor extension with a succah roof light.
  3. The erection of part first floor extension.
  4. The erection of three-storey side extension.

Check out the approved drawings below and apply for yours now!

Approved Drawings

60 Leadale rd-LEA040 Rev A-01
60 Leadale rd-LEA020 Rev A-01