Granted a change of use from Class C4 HMO(6 Persons) to Sui Generis HMO (7+ Persons) and the conversion of the garage to habitable use associated cycle parking to the front.
Granted for this property in a conservation area is the permission for the replacement of existing timber framed single glazed windows with timber framed double glazed ones to the front elevation, and with Rehau heritage uPVC double glazed ones to the rear elevation.
Check out the approved drawings below, and if your property falls in a conservation area, too, contact us to get your permission!
Granted for this property in a conservation area is the permission for the replacement of existing timber framed single glazed windows with timber framed double glazed ones to the front elevation, and with Rehau heritage uPVC double glazed ones to the rear elevation.
Check out the approved drawings below, and if your property falls in a conservation area, too, contact us to get your permission!
Discharge of conditions was granted for this property in Hackney after the submission of details pursuant to condition 5 (SuDs) of planning permission for the construction of a single-storey ground floor extension, erection of mansard roof extension, and enlargement of the basement including creation of front lightwell.
Granted for this property is planning permission for the erection of a ground floor extension and the excavation of a basement excavation with rear light well.
Check out the approved drawings below and apply for yours now!