We’ve acheived planning permission for this property in Hammersmith & Fulham for the replacement of the existing timber single-glazed sliding sash and casement windows with new timber double-glazed sliding sash windows to the front elevation. As well, for the replacement of the existing timber single-glazed sliding sash and casement windows with new uPVC double-glazed sliding sash and casement windows to the side of the back addition and rear elevation.
Check out the approved drawings below and apply now for yours!
Granted for this property in Enfield is the Change of Use from Use Class C3 (dwelling house) to Us Class C4 (6no. person House in Multiple Occupation HMO).
Approved for this property in Hackney is the submission of details pursuant to condition 3 (Flood Resilience) and 4 (Crossrail Safeguarding) attached to planning permission for the excavation of basement extension including installation of rear lightwells to facilitate the enlargement of the existing studio unit to a 2-bedroom unit.
Planning permission for the erection of single storey extension which extends beyond the rear wall of the original house by 6m, for which the maximum height would be 3.42m and for which the height of the eaves would be 3m.
Planning permission was approved for the excavation and extension of the basement including the rear light well; erection of single storey ground floor rear extension; installation of a refuse store within the front garden and cycle store within the rear garden and alterations to boundary walls.