Approved for this property in Hackney is the submission of details pursuant to condition 3 (Flood Resilience) and 4 (Crossrail Safeguarding) attached to planning permission for the excavation of basement extension including installation of rear lightwells to facilitate the enlargement of the existing studio unit to a 2-bedroom unit.
Planning permission was approved for the excavation and extension of the basement including the rear light well; erection of single storey ground floor rear extension; installation of a refuse store within the front garden and cycle store within the rear garden and alterations to boundary walls.
A mansard roof extension was planned, proposed, and approved for this property in Hackney. The extension provides extra 2 bedrooms, a shower room, and storage.
For Beis Chinuch Lebonos Girls School in Hackney, we’ve achieved planning permission for the erection of a roof extension at the fourth-floor level (Retrospective).
Check out the approved plans!
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For this property in Hackney, we achieved planning permission for the excavation of a basement extension including the installation of rear lightwells to facilitate the enlargement of the existing studio unit to a 2-bedroom unit.
Check out the approved plans!
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Planning permission is approved for this property in Hackney for the erection of a rear roof extension and change of use from a single-family dwelling to a 6-person HMO.
Check out the approved plans below!
Apply now for yours! Or contact us for free advice!