Roof extension involving rear dormer window and 2 front facing rooflights together approved with a new C4 unit to the existing first floor three bedroom HMO. Contact Sam Planning  to find out how you can get planning permission today.Â
Planning for a Prior Approval granted for the erection of a 6 meter rear extension, with a maximum height of 3 meters and an eaves height of 3 meters. Contact us to find out how Sam Planning can help you get your planning permission today.Â
Planning Permission granted for a LDC rear dormer. Sam Planning specializes in securing planning permission for roof extensions, including rear dormers, across England.Â
Submission of conditions 3 (cycle Storage) 4 (Recycling Storage) 5 (Amenity Space) and 6 ( Parking Layout) of Planning Permission 23/4338/FUL granted on 28/03/24. Contact Sam Planning for your free consultation today.Â
Granted for this property in London, Submission of details of condition 4 (Refuse/recycling) pursuant to planning permission: change of use of the existing HMO (Class C4) into Sui Generis HMO (7 persons) and associated cycle store and refuse/ recyling area (AMENDED DESCRIPTION).